ACIBEV Raising Awareness of the Dangers of Drinking and Driving with a Simulator

ACIBEV raised awareness of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol beverages with a simulator. As part of its commitment to the Wine in Moderation Program, ACIBEV took part of the first Summer Edition of Essência do Vinho, in Oporto, (2-4 July) where it signed a collaborative protocol with the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR). ACIBEV gave the opportunity to visitors of the wine fair to enter a driving simulator and witness how it is to drive under the influence of alcohol beverages through the use of special glasses that replicate different BAC levels. Over 266 visitors had the possibility to enjoy the activity.
Sponsors: Wine in Moderation and ACIBEV
Date: 2-4 July 2021
Implementation: Europe (Portugal)
More information on this initiative.
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