

Moderation During COVID-19

DrinkWise created a national marketing campaign to remind consumers about the importance of moderating, for those who choose to drink during the Australian COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020.

Sponsors: DrinkWise Australia
Implementation: Oceania

More information on this initiative.

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Moderation During COVID-192021-08-18T17:37:55+02:00

Bounce Back

DrinkWise created Bounce Back, a podcast series designed to help Australians facing adversity or feeling lost during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sponsors: DrinkWise Australia
Implementation: Oceania

More information on this initiative.

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Bounce Back2021-08-18T17:33:31+02:00

Indigenous Education Program

Through its Indigenous alcohol education program, DrinkWise has created a series of alcohol education videos featuring well-known Indigenous Australian personalities and sports stars, as well as providing financial and in-kind support for a number of different programs and initiatives.

Sponsors: DrinkWise Australia
Implementation: Oceania

More information on this initiative.

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Indigenous Education Program2021-08-18T17:30:46+02:00

Cellar Doors Moderation Resources

DrinkWise partners with the peak national body for the Australian wine industry, Australian Grape & Wine for this education initiative. The initiative provides education resources to all cellar doors in Australia to educate consumers about the importance of consuming alcohol in moderation.

Sponsors: DrinkWise Australia and Australian Grape & Wine
Implementation: Oceania

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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Cellar Doors Moderation Resources2021-08-18T20:11:30+02:00

DrinkWise Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Program

The DrinkWise FASD Awareness Program aims to create greater awareness among Australians that FASD is a preventable disorder. The Program also reaffirms the risks of drinking alcohol while pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

Sponsors: DrinkWise Australia

Date: 2018

Implementation: Oceania

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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DrinkWise Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Program2022-08-08T17:13:37+02:00

Choose to DrinkWise

DrinkWise partnered with the peak national body for liquor retailers, Retail Drinks Australia, to develop the ‘Choose to DrinkWise.’ initiative, to promote responsible alcohol consumption for those who choose to drink, via messaging at liquor retailers and on printed and digital sales resources.

Sponsors: DrinkWise Australia and Retail Drinks Australia
Implementation: Oceania

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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Choose to DrinkWise2021-08-18T17:14:30+02:00

You Got This

You Got This is an initiative created by DrinkWise in which well-known Australians offered messages of support to final year Australian high school students who may have been struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sponsors: DrinkWise Australia

Date: 2020
Implementation: Oceania

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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You Got This2022-08-08T21:22:40+02:00

A Drink of Good Decisions

The “A Drink Of Good Decisions” Instagram campaign aims to fight illegal businesses and engage the consumer to make sensible decisions when consuming alcohol.

Sponsors: Asovinos and AsoBares
Implementation: South America

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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A Drink of Good Decisions2021-07-23T17:40:10+02:00

Sharing Life Through Wine

The “Sharing Life Through Wine” campaign promotes general public awareness on the importance of the role of wine in promoting gatherings and empowering social relations, and the importance of moderate consumption. It encourages individuals to drink alcohol in moderation and promote pleasant discussion spaces. The campaign aims to open a space for dialogue using broadcast chats on the topic of wine by involving important influencers and utilizing different social media graphics.

Sponsors: Asovinos
Implementation: South America

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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Sharing Life Through Wine2021-08-24T18:20:16+02:00

We Come To You campaign

The “Acudimos a ti (We Come to You)” Instagram campaign aims to support and contribute to the reopening of restaurants after the 2020 pandemic by engaging stakeholders and consumers, as well as promoting bio security protocols and responsible consumption.

Sponsors: Asovinos partnered with Tour Gastronómico
Implementation: South America

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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We Come To You campaign2021-07-23T17:37:28+02:00