Home/FIVS-Assure/Topic/Operating Responsibly

Following is FIVS-Assure’s list of initiatives and resources of good practices around the topic of operating responsibility in the alcohol beverage industry.


Prata om Alkohol (Talk about Alcohol)

Prata om Alkohol

Prata om Alkohol is a project conducted by Diageo and financed by the Swedish Spirits and Wine Suppliers (SWSS) that aims at promoting healthy, moderate attitudes towards alcohol and to increase awareness about its effects on the body; It uses specific tools for teachers to create deeper understanding about alcohol among young people between 13 and 17 years of age.

Sponsor: Sprit & Vinleverantörsföreningen (SVL) and Sweden’s Breweries
Implementation: Europe

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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Prata om Alkohol (Talk about Alcohol)2021-06-25T20:27:48+02:00

School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHARP)

Alcohol Harm Reduction Project

School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project Education Program is a research-based strategy of promoting responsible consumption by providing three phases of alcohol harm reduction lessons during secondary school. It aims to reduce the level of alcohol related harms in students who consume alcohol beverages and to reduce the risks to students who do not consume alcohol beverages but interact with others who do.

Sponsor: National Drug Research Institute Australia

Date: 2002
Implementation: Oceania

More information on this initiative.

Relevant UN SDGs:

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School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHARP)2022-08-08T20:07:31+02:00