Updated on 17 January 2023
During these tumultuous times, we hope that you are safe and healthy. As our situations around the world change daily and even hourly, we are determined to deliver the best possible service we can, striving to keep FIVS running smoothly and to maintain the level of member services at a level as close as possible to normal.
To support the common effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to keep everyone safe, we will be providing constant updates to enable you to face this pandemic’s challenges.
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any information you believe will be useful for others! Please contact us with any questions you may have at admin@fivs.org.
Thank you for your support. Be safe!

Latest news – Intergovernmental
- WTO and WCO chiefs pledge joint efforts to facilitate trade in essential goods – 06 April 2020
- WTO: Members welcome ongoing efforts to monitor trade-related measures during COVID-19 crisis – 30 April 2021
Latest news – International/Regional
- CEEV: EU wine companies request a “Wine package” to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the wine sector
- EU Food Safety Authority: No evidence that food is a source or transmission route – 09 March 2020
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control: Situation update worldwide – 12 January 2023 *NEW*
- European Commission:
- Wine in Moderation: No Proven Positive Effect of Wine on COVID-19 post – 27 March 2020
Latest news – National
- AUSTRALIA: COVID-19 summary* on government support, operations, trade and public health by Accolade Wines – 14 May 2020
- DISCUS: Industry news in the US
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 23 February 2022
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 08 February 2022
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 18 January 2022
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 10 January 2022
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 21 December 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 15 December 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 01 December 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 24 November 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 17 November 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 02 November 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 26 October 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 12 October 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 05 October 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 28 September 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 21 September 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 12 August 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 30 June 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 10 June 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 18 May 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 21 April 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 7 April 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 24 March 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 17 March 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 25 February 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 10 February 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 03 February 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 27 January 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 14 January 2021
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 03 December 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 18 November 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 11 November 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 27 October 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 22 October 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 15 October 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 07 October 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 01 October 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 23 September 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 16 September 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 10 September 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 2 September 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 21 August 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 13 August 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 22 July 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 15 July 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 30 June 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 16 June 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 03 June 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 27 May 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 15 May 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 06 May 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 28 April 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 15 April 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 03 April 2020
- FIVS alert* (by themes and countries) – 25 March 2020
- PORTUGAL: End of the State of Emergency in Portugal – 30 April 2020
- Situation in the South African Wine Industry* by Winetech– 12 May 2020
- South Africa reintroduces alcohol sales ban after Covid-19 cases spike by Drinks International — 13 July 2020
- UNITED STATES: Trump moves to pull US out of World Health Organization by BBC News — 7 July 2020
*only accessible to members
Vineyards and wineries
- AUSTRALIA: Winery sanitation advice by AWRI – 01 April 2020
- AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND: Practical advice for vineyards and wineries from New Zealand Winegrowers – 01 April 2020
- CANADA: Restarting tasting rooms by Farris – 29 April 2020
- CHILE: Recommendations by Vinos de Chile – 02 June 2020
- ITALY: Urgent measures to help the wine industry by Unione Italiana Vini – 26 March 2020
- LUXEMBOURG: Measures for viticulture and agricultural activities
- Vineyard Best Practice Guidelines for minimising spread of COVID-19* from New Zealand Wine
- Winery Best Practice Guidelines for minimising spread of COVID-19* from New Zealand Wine
- What do the Alert Levels mean for winegrowers?* from New Zealand Wine
- WorkSafe guidance on COVID-19 and operating at level 4* from New Zealand Wine
- UNITED STATES: Harvest Protocols Workbook for California Vineyards and Wineries by Wine Institute, California Association of Winegrape Growers and California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance
Public places and surfaces
- AUSTRALIA: Environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19 by the Australian Government’s Department of Health
- MEXICO: Measures for enclosed and open public places
- Disinfection of surfaces in public establishments guidelines – 21 March 2020
- Transmission prevention measures in public establishments – 17 March 2020
- SLOVENIA: Preparedness and measures including the disinfection of multi-dwelling places
Food safety, sanitation and waste management
- *WHO*: Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19
- *WHO*: COVID-19 technical guidance essential resource planning
- AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND: Novel Coronavirus and food safety measures by Food Standards Australia New Zealand
- FRANCE: What to do with garbage during the pandemic? By Adelphe
- LUXEMBOURG: Measures for food safety
- NEW ZEALAND: Guidance on staff health and safety during alert level 4 and hygiene requirements* by the Ministry of Primary Industries – 09 April 2020
- UNITED KINGDOM: Sources of information on hygiene and food safety by WSTA
- *WTO*: Trade and trade-related measures by country – 07 April 2020
*only accessible to members
- OECD: Key policy responses and country policy tracker
- WHO: Response in countries
- WTO: Trade resources
- SOUTH AFRICA: Regulations and guidelines during the pandemic and business support from the South African Government
- CANADA: Support for businesses and industries from the Canadian Government
- The Chilean Government’s action plan including their businesses support plan
- Recommendations by Vinos de Chile – 02 June 2020
- Regulations developed by the Colombian Government to face the pandemic (health, trade,labour, agriculture, etc.)
- Pandemic-related issues affecting the sale of alcoholic beverages* by Asovinos — 11 September 2020
- MEXICO: The Mexican Government’s guidelines
- Measures tu support the wine industry, its business owners, and its employees from WineAmerica
- COVID-19 updates and announcements from the US Customs and Boarder Protection
- Assistance for small businesses and small business guidance & loan resources from the US Small Business Administration (SBA)
- DISCUS special webinar on SBA Assistance for craft distillers during COVID-19 (CARES, PPP, EBL and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Grants) – slides here.
- Industry updates and Relief efforts for hospitality employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) by Wine Institute
- Information, Materials and Services for those who work in the Agricultural Industry — updated on 16 August 2021
- How To Properly Wash Your Hands? by CNA (Certified Nursing Assistants) — 12 August 2020
- Guide to small business support during Covid-19 at State level by Best Accounting Software — 4 December 2020
- AUSTRALIA: Business assistance from the Australian Government and resources from Wine Australia
- KAZAKHSTAN: The Kazakhstani Government measures taken during state of emergency – 07 April
- NZ Government business support package from New Zealand Winegrowers – 06 April
- Guidelines for Winegrowers operating as an “Essential business”* from New Zealand Wine – 09 April
- Guidance on staff health and safety during alert level 4 and hygiene requirements* by the Ministry of Primary Industries – 09 April
- NZW Guidance on Alcohol advertising and promotion during Alert Levels 3 and 4* from New Zealand Wine
- NZW Guidance: Documenting essential work during Alert Level 4* from New Zealand Wine
- Q and A for operating as an essential business* from New Zealand Wine
- What do the Alert Levels mean for winegrowers?* from New Zealand Wine
- WorkSafe guidance on COVID-19 and operating at level 4* from New Zealand Wine
- National guidelines during lockdown and business support
- Management of the COVID-19 epidemic by UMVIN
- GEORGIA: Georgian Government recommendations
- Emergency assistance for farmers from Deutscher Weinbauverband e.V.
- Guidelines for infection prevention during the pandemic from Deutscher Weinbauverband e.V.
- IRELAND: Support to the Irish Drinks Industry through the Covid-19 crisis by Drinks Ireland IBEC
- ITALY: Useful information for citizens and businesses, urgent measures for business support
- LUXEMBOURG: Information for businesses, including small and large businesses support
- National response
- Transmission prevention measures in public establishments – 17 March 2020
- CVRA Coronavirus COVID-19 measures – 13 March 2020
- Prevention, control and surveillance procedures in companies – 26 February 2020
- ROMANIA: Measures to contain COVID-19 epidemic – 24 March 2020
- RUSSIA: Measures to control the incidence of the coronavirus infection – 08 April 2020
- SLOVENIA: Slovenian Government measures
- SPAIN: Measures to support businesses
- SWITZERLAND: Measures (21 March) including financial support – 26 March 2020
- Financial support and business assistance from WSTA
- Coronavirus business support from the UK Government
- Economic support and government advice from WSTA
- Support to the Northern Irish Drinks Industry through the Covid-19 crisis by Drinks Ireland IBEC
- Free Printable Posters for Covid-19 for Small Businesses & Organisations
- UKRAINE: Business support
*only accessible to members
- OECD: The Organisation’s contribution to a global effort to tackle COVID-19
- WHO: Restricted access to alcohol during COVID-19 – 14 April 2020
- KVNW: International and European measures (Netherlands)
- Observed effects of COVID-19 measures on the wine sector* by John Barker Law – 13 May 2020
- FRANCE: Video awareness to keep doing the three simple actions to protect each other by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health — 24 September 2020
- New extraordinary measures for the coronavirus emergency by Federvini – 06 April 2020
- Video awareness by the Veneto region — 11 September 2020
- SWITZERLAND: The pandemic’s impact on Switzerland – 30 March 2020
- UNITED KINGDOM: How drinking habits have changed during lockdown by The Drinks Business – 20 May 2020
- Distillers producing hand sanitizers across the US (map here) by Distilled Spirits
- Special DISCUS part 1 (slides) and part 2 (slides) of the webinar about Production and Compliance of Hand Sanitizer to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic – 31 March and 09 April 2020
- WineAmerica releases Covid-19 Wine Industry Economic Impact Survey – 26 March 2020
- How drinking habits have changed during lockdown by The Drinks Business – 20 May 2020
*only accessible to members