Home/Events Registration FIVS 2024 Paris Meetings
Events Registration FIVS 2024 Paris Meetings2024-09-13T17:49:35+02:00

Events Registration


Please complete the registration form (1 form per person) below by Wednesday, 25 September for the 2024 FIVS Paris Meetings.

The Strategic Dialogue is open to wine trade bodies and companies. Please register below for the Monday, 9 October session only. Meetings on 10 and 11 October are open to FIVS members only.

These meetings are not open to members of the press.

Payment via PayPal

Registration fee

This option allows you to pay by credit card via the online payment platform PayPal.

  1. Select your registration fee(s) (please see details below)
  2. Click on the “Register” button
  3. Follow the payment instructions
  4. Please note that there will be no reimbursements

Payment via Bank Transfer

This option allows you to pay via bank transfer.

  1. Select the appropriate 2024 FIVS Paris Meetings registration fee(s) (please see details below)
  2. Please add on your payment the following information:Invoice reference number”
  3. Send your payment by bank transfer according to the banking details below. Kindly note that payment should be made in Euros and should be sent to the FIVS bank account, all fees prepaid
  4. Please note that there will be no reimbursements.

Account Number: 00050005743
Bank code: 30003 – Desk: 03526
IBAN: FR76 3000 3035 2600 0500 0574 382
Société générale PARIS IDF ENT
50 rue d’Anjou
75008 Paris, France

Registration Fees

  • NON-MEMBERS (Mon, 07 October)
    • 410 euros: Sector-OIV Dialogue which includes breakfast, coffee breaks, a lunch, and a cocktail
    • 300 euros: Virtual Sector-OIV Dialogue
  • MEMBERS (3 days)
    • 780 euros: Sector-OIV Dialogue, Tue and Wed sessions including breakfast, coffee breaks & lunches, a cocktail reception, and a dinner
    • 680 euros: Sector-OIV Dialogue, Tue and Wed sessions including breakfast, coffee breaks & lunches, and a cocktail reception (w/o dinner)
  • MEMBERS (2 days)
    • 510 euros: Tue and Wed sessions including breakfast, coffee breaks & lunches, and a dinner
    • 410 euros: Tue and Wed sessions including breakfast, coffee breaks, and lunches (w/o dinner)
    • 100 euros: Dinner accompanying persons

Please note that there will be no reimbursements

If you need assistance with your registration, please contact the FIVS Secretariat (admin@fivs.org).