International Cooperation
FIVS interacts with international organisations and groups working on a wide range of areas related to FIVS activities. FIVS monitors the work of these organisations and groups, reports on key developments to its members, and attends meetings of special relevance for the wine, spirits and beer sectors.
International Organisations
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)APEC is a regional economic forum established in 1989 to promote free trade among the Pacific Rim member economies. APEC operates as a cooperative, multilateral economic, and trade forum that aims to promote greater prosperity for the people of the region by promoting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, and secure growth and by accelerating regional economic integration. |
The Codex Alimentarius CommissionFIVS holds observer status at the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Health Organisation to develop food standards, guidelines, and related texts such as codes of practice. The main purposes of this programme are to protect the health of consumers, ensure fair trade practices in the food trade, and promote the coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organisations. |
The International Wine Technical Summit (IWTS)The FIVS Scientific and Technical Committee provides private sector views to the IWTS. The IWTS is a gathering of a group of representatives from government and wine sector collaborating to discuss scientific related technical issues related to wine production and trade. The aim of the Summit is to focus on the use of science in the development of regulatory and enforcement systems that have an impact on wine trade. |
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)The OECD plays a prominent role in fostering good governance in the public and private arenas. It helps governments with key economic areas by, among other things, investigating emerging issues and identifying sensible policies. The OECD produces internationally agreed-upon norms to promote workable “rules of the game” in areas where multilateral agreement enables countries to make progress in a globalised economy. |
The International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML)The OIML promotes the harmonisation of governmental measurement tools and seeks uniformity, where appropriate, in the case of national standards. The OIML advances a normalised measurement system, i.e., equal shape, size, label, packaging requirements, etc. for similar goods, in an effort to improve the international trading environment. The OIML seeks to eliminate technical barriers to trade resulting from national and regional differences due to their measurement systems. |
The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)FIVS holds observer status at the OIV. The OIV is a recognised intergovernmental organisation that addresses scientific and technical matters in the area of wine and vines, including wine-based beverages, table grapes, raisins, and other vine-based products. |
The World Customs Organisation (WCO)The WCO helps governments around the world to implement a wide range of policies from their fiscal, economic, and social programmes. The WCO aids in the collection of customs duties and taxes, and promotes good practices in the areas of trade compliance and facilitation. The WCO is also recognised internationally for its efforts to combat fraudulent activities. |
The World Health Organisation (WHO)The WHO is the United Nation’s specialised agency handling health matters. Established in 1948, the WHO’s objective, as set out in its constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in the WHO’s constitution as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The objectives of the WHO’s relations with NGOs are to promote the policies, strategies, and activities of the WHO. |
The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)FIVS holds observer status at the WIPO. The WIPO’s objective for the new century is the promotion of the effective protection and use of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation with and among member states and all other stakeholders. This is to be achieved by creating an environment and infrastructure conducive to an enhanced understanding of the contribution of IP to human life through economic, social, and cultural development, and, in particular, by assisting developing countries in their capacity building for greater access to, and use of, the IP system. |
The World Trade Organisation (WTO)The WTO is the primary global international organisation dealing with the rules of trade between nations. The WTO has concluded a series of multilateral trade agreements, negotiated and ratified by the vast majority of the world’s trading nations. The thrust of the WTO’s efforts is to promote the liberalisation of global trade. |
The World Wine Trade Group (WWTG)The WWTG is an informal grouping of governments and industry representatives from wine-producing countries that address wine-related matters affecting the wine trade: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Georgia, New Zealand, the United States, and South Africa. Founded in 1998, the Group aims to facilitate international trade in wine through information sharing, discussion of regulatory issues in wine markets, and joint actions for the removal of trade barriers. |