FIVS aims to enhance the global operating environment for the alcohol beverage industry by providing leadership and through:
- Targeted initiatives in response to global pressures and opportunities.
- Coordinating and conducting effective, united advocacy with all appropriate organisations.
- Rapid acquisition and dissemination of information.
A successful global alcohol beverage sector, operating on the principles of economic, social, and environmental sustainability, focusing on consumer interests, and operating in a climate free from trade-distorting factors of all kinds.
The four central philosophies and tenets underlying all of FIVS’s activities are:
- Consensus: FIVS conducts its business on a strict consensus basis, in which actions may only proceed in the absence of objection from any of its voting members.
- Communication: FIVS encourages and stimulates communication among its members to the fullest possible extent, together with the exchange of appropriate information that can help FIVS achieve its Mission for the benefit of all members.
- Collaboration: FIVS’s strategic initiatives invariably involve a high degree of collaboration among members, in pursuit of mutually beneficial objectives.
- Commitment: A common feature of FIVS’s activities is a high level of commitment in terms of time and energy from the membership. This helps to ensure that only those initiatives that are seen as highly valuable are actually pursued.
FIVS is a global organisation designed to serve the wine, spirits, and beer sectors from around the world on public policy issues. Its members include producers, distributors, importers, exporters, and trade associations.
As a non-governmental organisation, FIVS gathers and disseminates information related to activities of interest to its members and advocates consensus positions to international and intergovernmental organisations as well as governments.
FIVS has its headquarters in Paris, France. Its members are based around the world.
- More about 2023 achievements in FIVS’s 2023 Annual Report.
- See more about our achievements on our previous reports: 2022 Annual Report, 2021 Annual Report, 2020 Annual Report, 2019 Annual Report, 2018 Annual Report, 2017 Annual Report, 2016 Annual Report, and 2015 Annual Report.
FIVS’s History
FIVS was created in 1951, during a period of great economic development for the alcohol beverage sector. Since then, FIVS’s mission has expanded with the increased internationalization and expanded nature of products in the sector.
In 2017, FIVS reorganised its work to fit within the “triple bottom line of sustainability,” taking into account significant economic, social, and environmental matters for the wine, spirits, and beer sectors. FIVS focuses on timely issues that arise in an effort to promote a more sustainable sector.
2022-present: Charles Jefferson (United States) and Ignacio Sánchez Recarte (Belgium)
2015-2022: Greg Hodson (United States)
1998-2015: James Finkle (United States)
1996-1998: Alastair Eadie (United Kingdom)
1994-1996: Jan Hein Verlinden (Netherlands)
1993-1994: Jean-Jacques Bouffard (France)
1991-1993: Helmut Walser (Austria)
1989-1991: D. J. B. Rutherford (United Kingdom)
1987-1989: H. C. Wegeler-Deinhard (Germany)
1985-1987: Aleck C. Crichton (Ireland)
1983-1985: Jack Welsch (United States)
1981-1983: Comte L. Rossi di Montelera (Italy)
1979-1981: Hervé Bélèdin (France)
1977-1979: Francis Clottu (Switzerland)
1975-1977: Alfred Fourcroy (Belgium)
1973-1975: G.U. Salvi (United Kingdom)
1970-1973: Alexandre N. Zullas (Greece)
1967-1970: Enrique Barceló Carles (Spain)
1964-1967: Carl Johan Tesdorpf (Germany)
1961-1964: Gaspard Cavallero (Switzerland)
1958-1961: Jan F. Verlinden (Netherlands)
1955-1958: Alexandre Panza di Biumo (Italy)
1951-1955: Jean Bourcier (France)
- Jean-Pierre Bonfils (France)
- Francis Clottu (Switzerland)
- Aleck C. Crichton (Ireland)
- Alastair Eadie (United Kingdom)
- Comte L. Rossi di Montelera (Italy)
- David J. B. Rutherford (United Kingdom)
- Jan Hein Verlinden (Netherlands)
- Helmut Walser (Austria)
FIVS’s Activities
FIVS’s work is organised around four key activities:
- Gathering and sharing relevant information: FIVS reports on significant developments in the area of sustainability to its members.
- Developing and communicating positions on key issues: FIVS’s Committees and Working Groups develop policy and technical positions. FIVS then advocates on behalf of its members after consensus is reached and communicates views to relevant bodies including national governmental authorities, intergovernmental organisations, and others. FIVS has been engaged in issues such as advertising restrictions, restrictive trade measures, allergen labelling requirements, and significant technical matters.
- Serving as an international networking platform: FIVS’s Meetings and Conferences bring together industry members, government officials, academic experts, and others from around the world. These gatherings enable participants to learn about and exchange views on cutting-edge issues and to collaborate on industry initiatives.
- Interacting with international organisations: FIVS holds observer status at the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). FIVS also interacts with other international bodies such as the World Wine Trade Group (WWTG), the International Wine Technical Summit (IWTS), the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Wine Regulatory Forum, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Customs Organisation (WCO), the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML), and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
FIVS Through the Years