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Scientific and Technical Expertise2025-03-10T14:22:16+01:00

Scientific and Technical Expertise

The Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) was created in 2013 in order to assist the Federation, its Working Groups, and the wine, spirits and beer sectors with complex scientific and technical matters. Today the STC is composed of 45 members from 23 different companies and associations, making it one of the most significant gatherings of industry technical competence at the international level.

FIVS Committee Chair & Co-Chairs


Paul Huckaba

Paul Huckaba is the Manager of Technical, Environmental, and International Affairs at Bronco Wine Company, a family owned winery committed to growing, producing, and selling wines in over 90 countries worldwide. He also serves as the Assistant Chair for the Wine Institute Technical Advisory Committee.


Jennifer Turner

Jennifer Turner is the Technical Director at the Wine and Spirit Trade Association with a background as an Analytical Biochemist and has served for a number of years in the British Food Standards Agency on both the Food Standards and Nutrition teams.


Eric Wilkes

Eric Wilkes

Eric Wilkes is the General Manager, Commercial and Regulatory Affairs at the Australian Wine Research Institute as well as the General Manager of Affinity Labs. He has worked in the beverage industry since completing his PhD in chemistry at the University of Newcastle in 1997. His current areas of research include new methods for wine analysis, environmental impacts of wine production, wine stability, methods to determine authenticity and the impact of metals on wine development.

FIVS Scientific and Technical Initiatives


FIVS-APACE is a comprehensive online source for winemaking additives and processing aids approved around the world. The site provides detailed information for these substances on such topics as technological justifications and scientific evaluations.

FIVS Scientific and Technical Papers

The STC produces a wide variety of scientific papers which seek to promote the appropriate regulation of wine in countries around the world. The STC is also a major supplier of technical discussion papers to such bodies as the OIV Technical Congresses and the International Wine Technical Summits.

FIVS Fire Impact Subgroup

The FIVS Fire Impact Subgroup works to the modernisation and standardisation of fire impact technologies. Among other initiatives, the subgroup leads a proficiency testing programme that compares the practices and efficacy of laboratories in affected regions that test for fire impact markers in wine. Chaired by Eric Wilkes (Australian Wine Research Institute), the subgroup works to promote best practices as fire dangers continue to rise.

FIVS Scientific and Technical Committee Members